Friday, May 27, 2011

Flaxen-haired Ho's and Other Random Thoughts

TV host Ed Shultz calls a woman a "slut".

Don Imus calls a group of women "ho's".

Both offer profuse and seemingly heart-felt apologies to the women, as well as to the viewers of their shows.

Shultz gets a slap on the wrist and is suspended for a week.  Imus loses his job.

A ho is a slut, and a slut is a ho, right?  Close enough.  Would they not be equally demeaning terms towards a woman? 

I know that if someone used either word about my wife, a niece, a sister-in-law or any woman in my family, there would be blows thrown.    Immediately.  If I heard them used in my presence about ANY woman, the speaker would be told to STFU, and it might come to blows.  Call me old fashioned.

The reason for the radically different outcomes for Imus and Shultz?  The color of the skin of the women.

It's OK to publicly demean a white woman, and it's not OK to do it with a "woman of color".

I'm sure Dr. King would be proud of how the media and society have so fully embraced his vision.

I made some cheese from evaporated milk.  I took two, 12-oz cans plus 3 cans of water.  Brought it up to 180F, took it off the heat and added 1/4 cup of white vinegar.  It curdled and I strained it through cheese cloth in a colander for 10 minutes or so.

I then put the curds in a bowl, added perhaps a 1/4 cup of milk to smooth it a bit.  A couple of tablespoons of dried onion flakes, a teaspoon of salt and some dehydrated parsley for color.

Absolutely fantastic bagel shmear!

As a side note, before adding the onions/spices, you're supposed to rinse the curds under water to get rid of the vinegar taste.  I forgot to do this, but I'm not sorry I did.  It added a bit of a "tang" to the flavor that was quite nice.

If you care about such things, here is a great article [link] in CoinWeek that gives the low-down on when a coin dealer is required to report certain precious metals transactions to Uncle Sugar.

I've been prepping for a long time.  I'm pretty well set with regards to food and equipment to withstand a complete loss of store-bought food for a good long time.

I know, I know, you can never be too prepared, and I still buy a few cans of meat and some dried pasta virtually every time I go to the store.  I've also recently been picking up stuff to make the food I have taste better by buying things like dried chiles, cans of diced green chiles, tomato paste, the aforementioned evaporated milk, etc.  Frosting for the cake, so to speak.

I can't give a hard-fact reason, but last week I bought yet another 25-pound sack of black beans and one of white rice.

My gut said, "buy," so I bought.

There is such a jumble of information flying about right now concerning potential food shortages, Israel getting dumped on, the whole Middle East coming unraveled, President Barry giving away metric tons of wheat and other foodstuffs to God-knows-who, precious metals prices climbing again, etc, etc.

My gut is usually pretty spot-on.  If you haven't read it, I suggest picking up a copy of "Blink" [link]. It's a book whose basic premise is to trust your gut.  It's usually not wrong.

I'm trying to come up with lists of multiple uses for certain staple foods.  I'd really like some input and ideas.

For instance, what about tomato paste.  Off the top of my head, it could be converted to tomato juice, a pasta sauce, a flavor additive, and a marinade.

What other uses can you think of, and what other items could fall under the category of "multi-purpose foods"?

Remember, the Memorial Day holiday isn't about beer and BBQ...

Copyright 2011 Bison Risk Management Associates. All rights reserved. Please note that in addition to owning Bison Risk Management, Chief Instructor is also a partner in a precious metals business. You are encouraged to repost this information so long as it is credited to Bison Risk Management Associates.


  1. I've been picking up Hunt's Spaghetti sauce in the 26.5 oz can for .88 cents. It's a good base for all kinds of pasta, rice and bean dishes. Plus it has many varities so you can mix up your meals to keep from getting bored.

  2. spaghetti sauce for pizza! Tomato soup! Add to ground beef for taco meat, chili!

    Going to go try the cheese thing. Speechless that can happen!

  3. Add to your black and white observation... Imus is a conservative, and so is Ingram. I think it has more to do with the color of their politics than the color of the skin.

    Though no doubt PCness gives the Libs involved the tool with which to work...

  4. Adventures, I've got some tomato sauce, but mostly paste. My figuring was that it is more compact, and can be expanded with water. The nice thing about sauce, though, is that it's less "harsh". I'm going through some cookbooks to try and find some sort of dilution factor. For instance, to make sauce from paste, you add equal parts paste and water. For soup, it's two to one (I don't know if those are the right proportions, I was just using those numbers for an example!).

    Mama, it's pretty cool to do. There is an Indian cheese called paneer that is made this way. You separate your curds with the vinegar (or lemon juice) and press the heck out of it. Most of the recipes I've seen don't add any salt to the cheese, and it is pan fried and added to other dishes.

    Sue, yeah, the conservative angle is a very big part of it - thus the non-outcry from the MSM press.

    It would be fun to see them trip all over themselves if a black conservative - maybe Thomas Sowell - made a similar comment about a black, trans-gender lesbian.

    Let the PC games begin!
