Monday, May 30, 2011

Discouraging Excellence

 My wife and I went out to dinner this weekend.  Through a very winding conversation that started with Memorial Day and the purpose of our military, it wound up at the Americans with Disabilities Act.

I noted that aside from being unconstitutional (there is no article or amendment which allows the feds to grant super-rights to any specific classification of citizen - federal parking passes?  Please!), the law eliminates the incentive for a business to target disabled people and offer them extraordinary products and services.

As a result of the ADA, most businesses look at the disabled as a lawsuit-in-waiting.  Screw up one tiny piece of one paragraph of the ADA, and you're potentially on the hook for tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines, court fees and construction costs.

Why would a business bend over backwards to attract that kind of grief?

My wife said she understood what I was saying, but she worried that businesses would discriminate against the disabled.  They wouldn't be able to go into a store and buy what they wanted, when they wanted.

I said, "Hallelujah!"

As a businessman, I can think of no better, "plum to pick" than an under-served market.  Give me the chance to target that market, and I'll make a ton of money.

Now, this isn't some theoretical, textbook view.  I'm in the process of doing this right now.

Thankfully, there is no law that says that Precious Metals shops must make special accommodations for women.  If there were such a law, my competitive advantage over my two primary competitors would evaporate.

Most coin/bullion shops cater to men.  At best, the owners are condescending when women ask what kind of bullion is available, what kind of coins are a good place for their kids to start collecting or how to properly evaluate a coin for collector value.  Most under-pay or over-charge women because they see them as easy "marks".

These shops are gym-like boys clubs.

Cool.  While our competitors are "zigging", we're "zagging".

I can't tell you the number of women that have come in to sell us old/unwanted jewelry and liked our shop so much they go home and get their bags of 90% silver coins they were given when a relative passed away.

I can't tell you how many coin guys have come to our shop and called their wives to grab their old, unwanted jewelry and bring it down because our shop is a place they would feel comfortable with their wives being treated fairly.

I can't tell you how many women have walked into our store, got a whiff of one of those Glade Plug-in thingies, commented on how comfortable they felt in the store, and returned later with their girlfriends - and their gold jewelry.

If there were a law that said all shops had to make special accommodations for women, we wouldn't be nearly as busy and successful as we've become in just 8 months.  Our biggest problem right now is handling ALL of the customers that walk in the door.

With an American Women Act, I wouldn't have that problem.  I wouldn't be scrambling to hire more employees.  I wouldn't have the problem of having to hire companies to clean our windows, shampoo our carpets or provide us with bookkeeping services.  We three partners would still be doing all of those duties ourselves and that extra money would not now be circulating throughout our community.

We wouldn't have been able to increase our payout percentages for the jewelry we buy.  We wouldn't have been able to afford the coffee beans for the fresh brewed cup of coffee or ice-cold bottled water customers are offered when they come into the store.

We'd just be another bland, middle-of-the-road business looking to get by, instead of one looking for new sites to expand our business.

Accept The Challenge

I think my wife's perspective is pretty widely held.  People assume that if you don't protect some "disadvantaged" group, they will be ground into the mud and abused.

Just the opposite actually happens.  With few (any?) exceptions, when government attempts to help a specific group, that group ultimately is harmed.  Blacks, American Indians, the disabled all come to mind.

Look at American Indians.  The tribes that get direct government hand-outs are destitute.  The ones where government got out of the way and "allowed" the supposedly sovereign nations to build casinos or golf courses or whatever else they want, are thriving.

Regardless of your race, gender or other government-sanctioned special status, when Nanny gets out of the way, you will do better.  Government is there to guarantee equal opportunity, not equal results.  When they try and rig the game to better the odds of success for one group, the law of Unintended Consequences raises its ugly head, and bad things generally result.

Copyright 2011 Bison Risk Management Associates. All rights reserved. Please note that in addition to owning Bison Risk Management, Chief Instructor is also a partner in a precious metals business. You are encouraged to repost this information so long as it is credited to Bison Risk Management Associates.


  1. LOL- right on the money with 'equal rights', Chief.
    I was a news shooter when the news department was told they were now required to have a few minorities working there. The first person the news director came to was moi, asking if I was registered with any of the local tribal groups.
    I laughed and asked why- thinking he needed a certified Indian for a story- and he told me he had to prove he had minorities working for him. I laffed even harder then and told him I'm not affiliated with any tribe and wouldn't be 'cuz no one would have hired an Indian, especially a news organization.
    To say the lest he was miffed.
    End of story- he hired two blacks who were theoretically 'qualified' according to their papers... both turned out to be the worst, most lazy employees I've ever seen in any profession. Didn't know their a$$ from a hole in the ground let alone how to run a camera or edit.
    Shy III

  2. I'm 100% disabled and I won't treat an employer as a lawsuit waiting to happen. But they don't know that. The ADA revamp has put more disabled folks out of work.
    Good for you on your shop and being proactive. You are absolutely right on the female market. I'm a female and I'm a "tomboy" I know my stuff. I'm not arrogant but I'll not be patronized in a PC store when I have built over 20 PC's or a gun store /pawnshop or coin store where I've learned my stuff. Hell I've built muzzle loaders from scratch and kit. You don't want my money, fine. I'll go elsewhere. Good on you and I agree with the forced integration as well. Someone will supply a market. You take advantage of all markets or are left behind.

  3. Shy, when I used to work for a big bank, I would see similar things all of the time. "Gotta have X% [pick a group] in supervisory ranks". They'd get their person in the spot, and be all proud of themselves.

    The result, though, was that the minorities who had busted their butts and were good at their jobs were looked at with suspicion: Did you get the job because of your color or your qualifications?


    Adventures, one of our employees is a 100% disabled vet. Awesome employee, who is hands-down the best coin grader in the shop, including we three owners.

    He was a customer before he became an employee, so we got to know him very well before his hire.

    If you want to speak to someone who is pissed off about what the ADA has become, speak to him! He sees how it has become this new form of welfare and system abuse.

  4. Oops, he's a disabled vet, not a 100% disabled vet...

  5. Hey Chief, the Government is doing a re-evaluation of vets that got discharged with less than 30% disability/retirement. I got medically discharged at 10%, VA gave me 40% and am now on 100% disability via SSD. He could ask for a re-evaluation. It's Form DD 294. Anyone that did not get the disabled retirement can apply.
    I felt I earned the veteran's benefits so much the SSD.
