Wednesday, March 15, 2017

I Made A Promise, And I'm Going To Keep It

Leaving California for Nevada was not easy.  I was born in Oakland, and lived in the general SF Bay Area my entire life - up until last July.

I made a promise to myself that I would do everything in my power to stop Nevada from becoming Californicated - becoming a socialist state.  I was too busy with work and raising a family - or so I convinced myself - to get involved.

That complacence bit me hard in the ass when I opened my bullion store in 2010.  The burden of the truly Deep State is suffocating.  As a consumer, you don't see it quite as vividly, because your cost of living just goes up a bit here and there.  As a business owner, I get a butt load of bills each year for shit I can't even begin to list.  Most have a comma in them.

No more.

This means I will give money to politicians and organizations with libertarian/conservative views and track records.  I will attend local political meetings when I see agenda items that support a welfare state.  And I'll write a shit-ton of letters.

For those of you who aren't aware of it, Clark County (Las Vegas) is California-East.  It's a shit hole of liberalism.  Most of the rest of Nevada is Red State (although Reno is getting more and more Blue State).

Our state legislators are in session now.  They only get together every other year for 120 days to pass all of the laws until the next get together.  Only the governor or a vote by 75% of both state houses can call a "special session" for emergencies and the like.

Well, some soft-headed state senator from.... guess from where?... Las Vegas, has just put through a proposed bill to make Nevada a Sanctuary City.

Fuck that shit.

Here's my letter to her, and to my state senator and assemblyman:

Dear Senator Cancela,

No On SB 223
I recently moved from California to Nevada - Gardnerville to be specific (which is why I've cc'd Senator Settelmeyer and Assemblyman Wheeler). I was born and raised (and raised a family) in what I genuinely believed was the best state in the nation - both geographically and (as importantly) economically. Over the past two or 3 decades, I saw the state start to rot from the inside. It is a cancer. Your socialist bill - dressed up as humanitarian outreach - will help to further point Nevada towards the economic cliff upon which California finds itself perched.
The short-term federal money Nevada would lose is a drop in the bucket when compared to the long-term rot and decay bills like yours would cast upon our state. It's the, "death by a thousand cuts" scenario - a little here, a little there and suddenly, you're economically supporting anyone who can steam a mirror. Not surprisingly, when you offer to "look the other way", or to give "free stuff" to people, they take you up on it!
Care to disagree? I suggest you take a trip to San Francisco or Los Angeles or any major California city, to see how this socialist "Welcome Mat" burdens the state to the point of fiscal insolvency. Or perhaps take a trip through California's Central Valley - try Fresno or Stockton. The shanty towns and encampments - full of the illegal aliens you want to shield - are a disgrace.
But there's no such thing as, "free stuff". California taxes are obscene, along with the license fees, carbon-taxes, add-ons and all of the other ways the state has to figure out how to keep the cash flowing. Businesses are tripping over each other to flee the state. Many are coming to Nevada (we were just voted "the best" by surpassing Texas). For the 12th straight year, California was voted "The Least Business Friendly" state in the nation. The overwhelming reason for this is because of the cost of socialist, "humanitarian outreach" bills such as yours.
Why would you want to challenge them for that dubious title?
Lastly, you swore an oath to uphold the laws of the United States and the State of Nevada. The presence of illegal aliens here in Nevada is, in and of itself, against the law. As a reminder:
 I, ........................., do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support, protect and defend the Constitution and Government of the United States, and the Constitution and government of the State of Nevada, against all enemies, whether domestic or foreign, and that I will bear true faith, allegiance and loyalty to the same, any ordinance, resolution or law of any state notwithstanding, and that I will well and faithfully perform all the duties of the office of ................, on which I am about to enter; (if an oath) so help me God; (if an affirmation) under the pains and penalties of perjury.

If you don't like the federal laws, work to change them. Until then, don't propose state laws that would force state and local law enforcement to ignore them.
Senator, keep your word. You swore an oath you would do so. Withdraw your bill from consideration.
Thank you,
I'm not holding my breath for a response from the Commissarina, but I'll update you if I do get one...


BTW, I started the new business process in Nevada.  I had a fully registered and legal entity in ..... 45 minutes!  Serious as a heart attack.  Did it all online.  Another 30 minutes at the county clerk's office for the fictitious business name filing, and I was up and running.  I can now do business anywhere in Nevada - you don't need a separate biz license for each county like you do in Cali.

To put this in perspective, this process took well over a week's worth of time each time I did it in the past in California.


Oh, and if California does secede from the nation, I'd like to propose a trade:  Nevada will give up Clark County in exchange for the State Of Jefferson in Northern California (look it up).

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Copyright 2017 Bison Risk Management Associates. All rights reserved. Please note that in addition to owning Bison Risk Management, Chief Instructor is also a partner in a precious metals business. You are encouraged to repost this information so long as it is credited to Bison Risk Management Associates.


  1. There are these little pockets everywhere. We need to stop the status quo and defeat liberalism and globalism.

    Side note: good to see you posting more again.

  2. Adam, it's scary to see the creeping socialism in Nevada. Most of my region is very conservative, but when you throw Reno into the mix, it goes all to hell.

    I hope to post more. Too many other balls in the air!

  3. Welcome to the party. Don't ask the State of Jefferson folks to become Nevada, Nevada should be joining them.

  4. I think a lot of it has to do with population density. If you're out on 10 or 20 acres (or more) and you need something, you do it or get it for your self. You dig a well, dig a septic tank...whatever. If you live in a heavily populated area, with maybe a bare minimum of a yard - say an eighth of an acre...if you're lucky! you can't do that. You have to depend on the community to organize something like that. It takes a town or city to build roads, establish sanitation facilities and that sort of thing. Pretty soon, the town/city dweller just assumes that the city fathers will do what needs to be done. He no longer knows how to do stuff for himself. He becomes helpless and completely dependent. And it goes down from there.
    At least, that's how I see it. I don't know if there's a remedy if the problem is population density.

  5. SueK, well howdy, stranger. Good to hear from you.

    Yeah, I think you're spot-on. I've built and brewed and cured and canned and lacto-fermented for most of my adult life, not out of necessity, but because I enjoy it. And I know EXACTLY what I'm putting into my body.

    I'll bring homemade sausage into work, and people are amazed. "How did you get the meat into the... what did you call them?.... casings?" Which then leads to, "The casings are WHAT?! Pig intestines?! The part the poop goes through?! Oh My God, I'll never eat sausage again!"

    So few people know how to do (formerly) common tasks to feed or care for themselves. Roughing it is going out in an RV. Go to the store, pick up prepared meals, and nuke them in the microwave.

    There's just no concept of self-sufficiency.
