Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Quick Release Scope Mount Review

It's been a bit hectic lately.  Lots of balls in the air!

A product review:  I purchased an NC Star Quick Release Scope Mount from OpticsPlanet.com [link].  What these things do is, they allow you to mount your scope to the Mount, then attach the Mount to your Weaver rail.  The idea is, you then zero in your scope and you are able to then quickly remove the Mount when you're done.  The next time you need to use that gun/scope combination, you simply snap the Mount to your Weaver rail, and you're already pre-zeroed.

In theory.

A problem I've been having is storing my gun in its case.  If I have either of my scopes - red-dot or hunting - it won't fit into the case.  Sux.

So, I wanted to be able to quickly switch between scopes and not have to re-zero every time.

This Mount costs right around $35.  I'd seen them upwards of $400, and wasn't going to spend that kind of money, at least not until I'd given a cheap one a try.  Plus, I'd read dozens of favorable reviews about the NC Star mount.

NOTE:  The mount comes with NO INSTRUCTIONS.  Idiots.  Thankfully, a bunch of the reviews had noted this.  There is only one tricky thing you need to be worried about - it has to do with a set screw and nut.  Just go slowly, and you'll be fine.

Anyways, I got the bad boy mounted.  I was using my Kel-Tec SU-16CA (5.56mm) with a very inexpensive BSA 4x12 power scope (under $100).  At home, I chambered a "laser cartridge" to pre-zero the scope.  I wanted to at least be in the vicinity when I started sending real rounds down range.

[BTW, I got one of the NC Star AR Riser and Quick Release Weaver Mount [link] at the same time for my red-dot scope.  $25.]

I got to the range and initially set up at 50 yards.  The proverbial "broad side of a barn" was not at risk (more on that later).  Finally got it zeroed, and moved the target out to 100 yards.

The Kel-Tec has an integrated bi-pod, which I used.  I was seated at a table.  The rifle was then shouldered and supported by my forearms under the stock.

The first shot at at 100 yards was down at 5 o'clock in the 8 ring.  Adjusted the elevation and windage.  Second shot was at 10 o'clock, also in the 8 ring.  Elevation adjusment brought it down to the 9 o'clock position in the 9 ring.  Windage adjustment put me in the 10 ring (don't remember which shot).  Took 3 more shots, all in the 10 ring.

I then removed the Quick Release Mount, then re-attached it.  Four more shots in the 10 ring! [BTW, this is an 8" target, with the 10 ring having a diameter of 2 1/2 inches].

The mount worked as publicized.

The target was one of three I had mounted on a 2-foot by 2-foot piece of cardboard.  The targets were placed in a evenly spaced diagonal row from the upper left hand corner down to the lower right hand corner.  The target shown above was in the lower right hand corner.

When I was trying to zero in at 50 yards, as I noted above, I couldn't find the target.  This, despite the fact that I had supposedly pre-zeroed the scope (at 15 yards) at home with the laser cartridge.

I was firing at the center target.  If you notice on the image above, I have one of the hole patches at about 10:30 in the 8 ring.  THAT was from my shots at the center target!

Copyright 2012 Bison Risk Management Associates. All rights reserved. Please note that in addition to owning Bison Risk Management, Chief Instructor is also a partner in a precious metals business. You are encouraged to repost this information so long as it is credited to Bison Risk Management Associates. www.BisonRMA.com


  1. Maybe this is a stupid question but why not just get a case that fits the rifle as you intent to have it set up? In any case.

    Detachable optic mounts have come a long way in the last few years. The ones that piggy back onto a rail setup are pretty solid in my observation. Make a pencil mark where the optic goes on the rail and put it back on, too easy. That being said I always confirm my zero after removing an optic and suggest the same to others.

  2. The LaRue scope base will allow you to swap your scope between rifles - and will maintain zero with no problem. The trick is to hold the scope/mount forward on the rail while you tighten the lever. Also you want it to be tight. The levers should be between 45 and 60 degrees out when they start to make contact.

    There are several advantages to removing your optic - for travel, packing, or if you would rather spend your money on one or two top notch optics rather than a half dozen (or more) mediocre ones.

  3. Tor, the SU16-CA has a collapsable stock. The available cases for the gun when collapsed just won't fit the rifle with a scope. I have a number of cases that work with the scope attached when the stock is extended.

    Yep, so far, I've been impressed as well.

    Richard, the La Rue looks like a viable option to this quick release market space.

  4. Nice, there are some more cool scopes which you might want to have a look just visit
    gun scope HQ

  5. What these things do is, they allow you to mount your scope to the Mount, then attach the Mount to your Weaver rail. The idea is, you then zero ... iweaverscope.blogspot.com
