Saturday, April 3, 2010

Outside of the Comfort Zone

I'm quite excited.

The owners of the gun range where I do the bulk of my teaching - Center Mass Shooting Range in Vacaville, CA (gotta love that name!) - had mentioned that they had been getting a number of inquiries from customers about learning how to use their guns in a practical way.  Primarily for home defense, but also for concealed carry and any other defensive situations.

We scratched out some ideas together, and I developed an outline.  I used my IDPA experience as the primary reference.  It is focused on practical skills, not on the speed and flash of IPSC (no offense to IPSC shooters!).

Defensive skills using regular, off-the-shelf handguns.

Yesterday, I did  a dry run with 3 students.  It went very well.  The experience level was from rookie shooters to years of experience.  They ALL loved the class!

It will take most folks out of their comfort zone - but that's the idea.  Learning how to perform under a variety of different scenarios that you just can't replicate or practice in a normal shooting range setting.

We'll be offering the class to the public in May, and will likely do a discounted "early bird" class for past students of my other classes before that.  We're still working out all of the details.  I'll post more information as we get closer to "game time".

Accept The Challenge

Developing new skills is so important for all of us.  The skill category is almost irrelevant.  Whether it is developing new shooting skills, or experimenting with ways to make water potable, we need to push ourselves into being able to function in circumstances that are not optimal. 

We need to be able to adapt.  We do that by developing a broad set of skills.  Some may work in one situation, others may not.  The whole, "arrows in the quiver" thing.

Sticking with the shooting meme, if an armed intruder is in your home, it will be unlikely that they will remain stationary - allowing you to line up your sights and carefully adjust your grip and stance.  You and they will be moving, and they will likely be shooting AT YOU!

You need to have a broad set of skills to address the situation.  Off-hand shooting, shooting from behind cover, moving and shooting, and reloading, to name just a few.

Push yourself.  Get uncomfortable.

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Copyright 2010 Bison Risk Management Associates. All rights reserved. You are encouraged to repost this information so long as it is credited to Bison Risk Management Associates.

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