Wednesday, January 27, 2010

All Over The Board

I'm working on a how-to video, and preparing for an upcoming magazine interview on my business (woo hoo!), so here's a bit of stream-of-consciousness for ya...

More news on the disaster -
The White House in a statement outlined the aim is to alleviate "the hardship and suffering caused by the emergency on the local population, and to provide appropriate assistance for required emergency measures ... to save lives and to protect property and public health and safety, ...

Haiti? No, Arizona.

The rest of the paragraph -
... and to lessen or avert the threat of a catastrophe in Apache, Coconino, and Navajo Counties and the Hopi Tribe and Navajo Nation within these counties."

This part of the state got hammered by snow storms. Apparently, no one prepared for a snow storm in Arizona.

This is just like our recent post about a tornado hitting in Northern California. I have lived in this area for my entire lifetime. I can never remember a tornado even being considered here.

Yet it just happened.

Don't prepared for specific disasters. The one that hits may not be on your list! Plan for the impact of the disaster.

The people of Arizona are learning that lesson the hard way.

There's a new source for freeze dried meats on the market.  Shelf Reliance now carries freeze dried roast beef, ground beef, ham, turkey, chicken and sausage (listed at the bottom of the page).

The can contents seem to be anywhere from 1.06  pounds to 1.81 pounds.  When price-comparing to other vendors, be sure to calculate based upon weight and not can size.

We're seeing a LOT more of these in our area as of late.  It's only a matter of time before one of these incidents gets ugly.
A Round Table Pizza employee was robbed at gunpoint while he was outside the restaurant on a break Thursday night, according to Antioch police.

The victim, a 22-year-old Oakley resident, was outside the restaurant at 4504 Lone Tree Way shortly after 6 p.m. when a man approached him and brandished a gun.

There were conflicting descriptions of the gunman, but police believe he was between 5 feet 7 inches and 5 feet 10 inches tall and weighed about 160 pounds. He was wearing a bandana over his face and a hooded sweatshirt.
Lone Tree Way is the major thoroughfare going through Antioch.  It's not like the robbery happened in some dark alley or in the seedy part of town.

Two virtually identical robberies (bandanna masks and drawn guns) occurred in my town this past weekend.
Two men robbed a couple of women at gunpoint in a movie theater parking lot Thursday evening, police said.

Both suspects were described as Latino, about 5 feet 6 and 150 pounds. One had a white and black bandanna over his face and was wearing a gray hooded sweatshirt with a zipper and a black design on it as well as baggy jeans.

The second suspect was reported as being in his late teens with a thin build and dark hair. He also was wearing a gray hooded sweatshirt, along with dark pants and an unknown-colored bandanna over his face.
Out here in "East County", we tend to have a much higher ownership of guns than the rest of our largely gun-adverse county.  One of these bandanna bandits is going to run into a gun owner, and someone is going to go, "splat". 

Hopefully, it will mean it's the end of the mini-crime wave.

Copyright 2009 Bison Risk Management Associates. All rights reserved. You are encouraged to repost this information so long as it is credited to Bison Risk Management Associates.


  1. This type of thing is rampant in Georgia. The perpetrators are usually Hispanic.

  2. This really caught me off guard. We've been seeing increases in robberies and petty theft, but this has bumped it up to a whole new level.

    Money's tight, and they're getting more desperate.
